Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Distortion Guitar 1
Overdriven Guitar

Distortion Guitar 2
Overdriven Guitar

Clean Guitar 1
Acoustic Guitar (steel]

Clean Guitar 2
Acoustic Guitar (steel]

Electric Bass (finger]


Lead 5 (charang]

In this black-out in-ert-ia will hold our thoughts And the ex-it sign of-fers no light to see by Can we cast our sha-dows a-lone in the dark? I can't see with-out you When the world comes crash-ing down Part with it Start ag-ain When the world comes crash-ing down These notes will fold them-selves Stand-ing at the mar-gin's edge to see where the day-break ends You can find com-pass-ion here But the page turns too fast We fell in this hole that open-ed up Giv-ing up on hope Liv-ing with-out love We still type black lines When the world comes crash-ing down These notes will fold them-selves Ad-just the a-per-ture to fo-cus on the neg-a-tive Like phos-phors in the dark-room ig-nite Like dod-ging fac-es in the cor-ner of the print Frame by frame this hole is op-en-ing and we fall in There is no is no is no is no no There is a is a is a is a is a